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Water Rate Increase Effective January 2024

                                    GHOLSON WATER SUPPLY CORPORATION

                                                     12520 GHOLSON RD.

                                                 WACO TEXAS, 76705-5609                              

                                                     PHONE- 254-829-2907

                                                        FAX 254-829-0931

                                       Email [email protected]

                     This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer


Dear Member:

Gholson Water Supply Corporation will be raising the water rates effective January 1, 2024. There hasn’t been a rate change since April 2010. The cost for repairs, parts & supplies, equipment, fuel, chlorine, and maintaining the Wells, Plants and system have risen substantially since 2010. Old rates and new rates are listed below:

Old Base rate- Since April 2010    

 Includes 0 gallons                                

Meter Equivalents

New Base Rates -Effective January 1, 2024 Includes 0 gallons   


5/8” x ¾”  meter- $25.00


5/8” X ¾”  meter- $30.25

1” meter -          $50.00


1” meter-            $75.63

1.5” meter-       $75.00


1.5” meter-        $151.25

2” meter-        $100.00


2” meter-           $242.00


Gallonage charges since April 2010

New Gallonage Charges

Effective Jan. 1, 2024

$2.60 per 1,000 gallons up to 10,000 gallons

$3.00 per 1,000 gallons up to 10,000 gallons

$3.00 per 1,000 gallons next 40,000 gallons

$3.50 per 1,000 gallons next 40,000 gallons

$3.50 per 1,000 gallons next 10,000 gallons

$4.00 per 1,000 gallons next 10,000 gallons

$4.00 per 1,000 gallons over 60,000 gallons

$4.50 per 1,000 gallons over 60,000 gallons

There is a $.03 charge per 1,000 gallons for customers in McLennan County charged by the Southern Trinity Groundwater Conservation District. There is a $.20 charge per 1,000 gallons for customers in Hill County charged by the Prairielands Groundwater Conservation District.

Thank you for your understanding. Please sign up for text and email alerts at our website gholsonwsc.myruralwater.com. You may also call the office at (254)829-2907 for more information or any questions.

Thank you,

Gholson Water Supply Corporation